
Bitter Realities Behind The Fall Of Dhaka | Exclusive Interview With Col. (R) Z. I. Farrukh

2020-10-30 4 Dailymotion

On 16th December 1971, West Pakistan lost East Pakistan in a tragic civil war that resulted in the independent state of Bangladesh. Colonel Retired Z. I Farrukh narrated the events of the war and the factors that led to it. He was an army officer deployed in East Pakistan and was also held a prisoner. According to Col. Z.I Farrukh, Pakistan Army is not the only party that should be held accountable for the loss. He stated that politicians, media publicists, writers and dangerous enemies in India all had a part to play. East and West Pakistan had already drifted apart due to a lack of communication. The lust of Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman, Z. A Bhutto and General Yahya Khan led to a power-struggle that disintegrated the nation. Col. Z. I Farrukh also shared how the prisoners of war were tortured mercilessly. Watch the heartbreaking interview to know the truth behind the Fall Of Dhaka in 1971.

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